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Congress Objectives

o provide a forum for the presentation of high quality, original scientific work in the field of hydrocephalus and CSF disorders


o provide a specialist forum for discussion of advanced Neuro-imaging techniques in the field of hydrocephalus and CSF disorders


o encourage research to improve outcomes and enhance CSF shunt survival in paediatric and adult CSF disorders


o provide an educational program to increase the understanding of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus by Physicians and Allied Healthcare Professionals


o provide a forum for exchange of best clinical practice recommendations for Hydrocephalus Nurse Specialists (Adult and Pediatric)


o promote exchange of innovative ideas in the field of CSF shunt engineering


o increase the understanding of hydrocephalus and related disorders by doctors in training


o promote the exchange of clinical, practical and scientific information and ideas in the field of Hydrocephalus and CSF disorders


o provide delegates with an opportunity to network with colleagues


o enable participants to keep up to date with industry research and developments

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